‘Peaceful return of democracy?’ US doesn’t deny meeting Venezuelan military coup plotters

Washington still “prefers” a peaceful restoration of “democracy” in Venezuela, the White House has stated in response to a scandalous report about US officials’ contacts with Venezuelan military officers seeking to stage a coup. The US President Donald Trump’s administration has been holding meetings with a group of Venezuelan officers plotting to overthrow the Latin […]

Brazil sent armed guards to the Venezuelan border as thousands flee from economic crisis

REUTERS/Guadalupe Pardo Brazil said it was sending armed forces to keep order near the Venezuelan border area. President Michel Temer said the move was aimed at keeping order and ensuring the safety of immigrants. The exodus of Venezuelans to other South American countries is building toward a “crisis moment.” LIMA (Reuters) – Brazil said it […]

Brazil sending troops to Venezuelan border amid massive refugee influx

The Brazilian President has ordered the army to be deployed to the borderline state of Roraima shortly after clashes broke out between the locals and Venezuelans fleeing their country’s economic and political problems. In a statement on Tuesday, Brazil’s President Michel Temer said that the military deployment he authorized on Tuesday is aimed at ensuring […]

When paper money goes to zero value: Venezuelan hyperinflation explained (PHOTO)

Inflation in Venezuela this year could top one million percent, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts. This gallery puts the buying power of today’s bolivar into perspective. A kilogram of meat costs 9,500,000 bolivars, or the equivalent of $ 1.45. A 2.4 kg chicken is worth 14,600,000 bolivars, or $ 2.22. A 1kg packet of […]

‘An attempt against the nation’: Diego Maradona slams attack on Venezuelan President Maduro

Argentine football legend Diego Maradona has offered support for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro after the leader was targeted by an alleged assassination attempt involving exploding drones on Saturday. Maradona, who has gone on record with his support of Maduro’s leadership of Venezuela in recent months, once again backed the president after an explosion in Caracas […]

Venezuelan authorities say drones detonated near President Maduro during a speech, but firefighters at the scene say it was just a gas tank explosion

Efecto Cocuyo/Twitter Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro cut a speech short on Saturday after a loud noise kicked off panic in the crowd. Maduro is safe, officials say. Soldiers at the event were seen running out of formation in a video shared online. Venezuela’s government is saying the loud noise was from an attempted attack on […]

Venezuelan president Maduro targeted with drone bombs

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has been targeted in an attempted attack during a televised public address, officials confirm. Several explosives-laden drones detonated as he was speaking at a military ceremony. Venezuela’s Information Minister Jorge Rodriguez has confirmed that an attack on Maduro took place at the event. Several drones rigged with explosives went off close […]

A full-scale Venezuelan default could push up oil prices

Who believes in Nicolás? ON NOVEMBER 30th, as oil tsars from the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and Russia met in Vienna, Venezuela’s former oil minister, Eulogio del Pino, once one of their number, was seized by armed guards at dawn in Caracas, and taken to jail. His arrest was not publicly acknowledged […]

People are beginning to wonder if a Venezuelan default is inevitable

REUTERS/Carlos Garcia Rawlins President Nicolas Maduro announced Venezuela will look to restructure its US$ 89 billion worth of debt to be able to continue servicing it. Forecasts about what will happen next are all pessimistic. By the end of next year, the government and state-owned PDVSA must repay debt obligations to the tune of $ […]