After strong interest, VW plans to build 130,000 ID Buzzes a year

Enlarge / A pair of ID Buzzes bask in the Copenhagen sunshine. (credit: Jonathan Gitlin) After what feels like many years of teasing, Volkswagen’s retro-groovy ID Buzz has finally gone into production in Hannover, Germany. US market sales of the electric minivan are still two years away, but it has gone on sale in Europe, […]

Russian jet buzzes over DC & Trump golf course – but it’s all legit, don't worry

A Russian Air Force observation plane entered secure airspace over Washington, DC, reportedly flying past the Pentagon and CIA before veering off to New Jersey, where Donald Trump is vacationing. US defense officials told media the jet had full clearance. Two Russian observation flights over the Washington, DC, metropolitan area – authorized under the Open […]

Chopper buzzes Chechen highway, narrowly avoids collision with vehicle (VIDEO)

A military-style helicopter came within meters of hitting a vehicle in Russia after it was filmed flying extremely low over a major highway. TrendsViral Dashcam footage filmed in May captured the heart-stopping incident along the Rostov-Baku route, Gudermes, in Russia’s Chechen Republic.  The startling clip shows two helicopters buzzing over the highway that runs between […]