Coronation Street: Jack P Shepherd drops MAJOR Bethany Platt sex ring plot spoiler

Jack P. Shepherd – who plays David Platt in the ITV show – was quizzed abut the shocking sex ring plot storyline, which has raised quite a few eyebrows over the past month or so. The soap star suggested that he would be taking matters into his own hands, with him saying: “I think the […]

Coronation Street spoiler: Will Sarah Platt SAVE daughter Bethany as she locks her up?

Eager to support her daughter and her marriage to Nathan (played by Chris Harper), Sarah (Tina O’Brien) suggests that they go to a wedding fair.  But when Bethany (Lucy Fallon) fails to show up for their afternoon out, she storms round to Nathan’s flat demanding answers.  But when she arrives, she finds her daughter dressed […]

Coronation Street: Real Bethany Platt says she cannot watch soap’s portrayal of her ordeal

Bethany (played by Lucy Fallon) has been targeted by a 35-year-old man – Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper) – with the intention of involving her in his illicit sex ring. Lucie (not her real name) was subjected to years of horrific treatment from her much older boyfriend, having been groomed online when she was just 10-years-old. […]

Coronation Street actress Lucy Fallon admits it will get 'LOADS WORSE' for Bethany Platt

For months, fans of the ITV soap have watched in horror as Nathan Curtis (played by Chris Harper) continues to groom Bethany. In last weeks episode, things took a turn for the worse when his friend Neil (Ben Cartwright) ended up alone with the schoolgirl and forced her to sleep with him, despite her pleas […]

Coronation Street spoiler: Could Mel be about to save Bethany from sick groomer Nathan?

Mel, who works as an assistant at the tanning salon, is Nathan’s (played by Chris Harper) secret girlfriend and is aware of his plan to involve Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) in a sex ring. On last Friday’s episode, things took an even darker turn as the teenager was forced to sleep with creepy Neil while […]

Coronation Street spoiler: Will Bethany be raped AGAIN by another one of Nathan's friends?

In scenes to air later this week, Nathan’s plan to exploit Bethany (Lucy Fallon) to become part of a sex ring takes a turn for the worse when he sets her up to sleep with his friend Neil Clifton (Ben Cartwright). And the dark plot may become even more twisted when he shows up again, […]

Corrie star's boyfriend HORRIFIED as he's shown Bethany Platt sex ring clip on Loose Women

Lucy, 21, chatted to Christine Lampard, Janet Street-Porter, Stacey Solomon, Anne Diamond and Janet Street-Porter about the “horrific” scenes that she’s been filming alongside Chris Harper; who plays her boyfriend Nathan Curtis. Lucy’s 16-year-old character on the much-loved ITV soap has been groomed by Nathan in a gruesome sex ring plot, but although the actress […]

Coronation Street: Nathan turns violent but will Bethany escape unharmed?

This evening’s shocking scenes saw Nathan (played by Christopher Harper) lash out on his partner-in-crime Mel Maguire (Sonia Ibrahim) by trapping her hand in a cash machine at the tanning salon they worked at. The attack came after Bethany (Lucy Fallon) vented her fury upon finding a picture of Mel and Nathan kissing on her […]

Coronation Street fans DISGUSTED as Bethany sex ring plot goes 'too far' before watershed

The ITV soap saw teenager Bethany Platt (played by Lucy Fallon) take things to the next level with her older boyfriend Nathan Curtis (Chris Harper) by attending a party with his friends. While his friend Mel encouraged Bethany to get a contraceptive implant, Nathan spoke to another friend about letting him “see a bit more” […]

Coronation Street: Bethany Platt's grooming storyline takes another dark turn

After going to bed with Nathan Curtis (played by Christopher Harper), young Bethany (Lucy Fallon) will now get a contraceptive implant in order to keep him happy.  However, she is not aware that he currently has plans to groom her for his sex ring. Nathan has made use of his assistant, Mel, making her convince […]