Moving Barriers Upstream Helps the Whole River Flow

A person shows up in an emergency room seeking help for a medical problem due to a lack of insurance. Help is offered, but the solution amounts to a bandage at best. “911 is America’s health care system for those who don’t have health care access,” says Dora Barilla, group vice president of community health […]

Cultural barriers still stand in the way of HPV vaccine uptake

Enlarge / The HPV vaccine is often delivered along with sex education. (credit: Pan American Health Organization / Flickr) Every year, nearly 34,000 cases of cancer in the US can be attributed to HPV, the human papillomavirus . The CDC estimates that vaccination could prevent around 93 percent of those cancers. Yet HPV vaccination rates […]

Armed police at London’s Parliament after car smashes into barriers (WATCH LIVE)

Published time: 14 Aug, 2018 06:56 Edited time: 14 Aug, 2018 07:20 A car has smashed into a security barrier outside the Houses of Parliament in London, images on social media show. Police have arrested a man and cordoned off the area. Metropolitan Police say that several pedestrians were injured when a vehicle hit barriers […]

Barriers to entry

SCIENCE is supposed to be the ultimate meritocracy. People might sneer at a thinker’s background or training, but there can be no arguing with a powerful new idea which explains the world better than its rivals do. In reality, academia is cluttered with odd cultures and practices which serve as barriers to entry—and, at times, […]

‘The Avengers’ is the Blockbuster That Transcended Barriers and Changed Everything

(Welcome to Road to Infinity War, a new series where we revisit the first 18 movies of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and ask “How did we get here?” In this edition: The Avengers is a big party of a movie…and a party that may have changed studio movies forever.) The Avengers is the quintessential blockbuster […]

WATCH: Driver learns the hard way why you should always be wary of moving road barriers

The driver of the vehicle was forced to stop upon entry through a set of black gates because of two moving bollards in the road. To allow the car through, the security guard waiting by the gates had to unlock the bollards to get them to go down. In a couple of swift movements the […]

WATCH: Harrowing moment train barriers open – only for this to happen

A viral video has revealed the dangers of train barriers when they fail to work. The video shows two cars driving towards two train barriers in the snow. They both approach it as the roadblocks drop, and the train barrier rises. Even though the road is clear, the cars both wait, which ends up saving […]