ITV GMB: ‘You’re being selective’ Rees-Mogg shuts down Richard Bacon in Brexit debate

Jacob Rees-Mogg, 50, joined Good Morning Britain hosts Richard Bacon, 43, and Charlotte Hawkins, 44, to discuss Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s demand to suspend Parliament in the coming weeks as the Brexit deadline looms. Following the announcement yesterday, more than a million people have signed a petition for the decision to be overturned despite the […]

ITV GMB: Richard Bacon tears apart Lord Adonis’ Brexit ‘scaremongering’ after no deal leak

Andrew Adonis was speaking on Good Morning Britain after no deal planning documents were leaked to the Sunday Times, illustrating a stark scenario for Britain. The documents from Operation Yellowhammer suggested the UK would face medicine, food, fuel and water shortages, as well as delays at the borders which could last days. But Richard Bacon, presenting ITV the […]

Bist du bereit für diese Hackfleisch-Rolle mit Schinken, Bacon und Käse?

Hackfleisch-Rolle mit Schinken, Bacon und Käse Einfach tasty SO GEHT’S Dieses Video auf YouTube ansehen ZUTATEN ZUTATEN 6 Portionen 1 kg Rinderhack 2 Eier 90 g Paniermehl 2 TL Salz 2 TL Pfeffer 1 EL Knoblauchpulver Alufolie 4-6 Scheiben Schinken 6-8 Scheiben Käse 450 g Spinat 10-12 Streifen Bacon ZUBEREITUNG 1. Ofen auf 180°C […]

Passenger Fined $300 After Harassing Crew Over a Bacon Roll

Passenger Fined $ 300 After Harassing Crew Over a Bacon Roll Advertiser Disclosure The credit card offers that appear on the website are from credit card companies from which receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). This site […]

‘Tremors’ Reboot Starring Kevin Bacon Dead at Syfy

Bad news, Tremors fans. The Tremors reboot starring Kevin Bacon is dead in the ground. Syfy passed on the pilot for the TV series reboot of the 1990 cult classic with original star Bacon set to reprise his role. Kevin Bacon teamed with Blumhouse Productions’ Jason Blum to develop a Tremors TV series, which would pick up 25 years after the […]

I went on the Silicon Valley diet craze that encourages butter and bacon for 2 months — and it vastly improved my life

Business Insider A viral diet that’s been shown to burn 10 times more fat than a standard diet is gaining momentum among Silicon Valley tech workers. And it involves eating a lot of fat. The ketogenic or “keto” diet — which first became popular in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy and diabetes — limits […]

Hogwash or heroic? ‘Cancer free' Naked Bacon hits shelves – but it’s TWICE the price

Bacon, a meat made from cured pork, is a core part of the traditional Full English breakfast. But last October the World Health Organisation said bacon, sausages and ham were among most carcinogenic substances and ranked them along with cigarettes, alcohol, asbestos and arsenic. Now, a new version called Naked Bacon has been produced and […]