Video: Tesla Model 3 Pulled Over For Having a ‘Computer’ Attached to the Dash

Saying the Tesla Model 3’s interior is polarizing would be a massive understatement. While some absolutely love the minimalist design and singular, tablet-like interface, others criticize it for being too barren to be considered interesting. The vehicle also saw some blowback over its centrally mounted 15-inch display, which, for several reasons, can serve as a […]

‘Stranger Things’ Director Rebecca Thomas Attached to James Wan-Produced ‘Malignant Man’

Rebecca Thomas, the filmmaker behind Electrick Children and a season two episode of Stranger Things, is attached to direct an adaptation of  Boom! Studios’s Malignant Man. Director James Wan, co-writer Michael Alan Nelson, and illustrator Piotr Kowalski tell the story of a man who believes he has cancer, but who really has an alien parasite providing him with powers to […]

Darren Aronofsky’s ‘Mother!’ Trailer Attached to Some ‘Dunkirk’ Screenings, Movie Gets a New Release Date

Here’s a cool bonus for some of you who are heading out to see Dunkirk tonight. The first trailer for mother!, the new horror thriller from director Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan), has debuted in front of select screenings of Christopher Nolan’s epic World War II film. The trailer doesn’t appear to be online yet, but you can read […]

Doug Liman Apparently Never Sleeps, is Now Attached to Direct YA Sci-Fi Film ‘Unearthed’

I’m a fan of Edge of Tomorrow director Doug Liman, but we’ve been writing so much about him lately that I’m almost sick of seeing the dude’s name. But when you’re one of Hollywood’s most in-demand filmmakers, “being too prolific” is likely a problem he’s happy to have. Last year, the director was flirting with the […]

Airplane almost takes off with THIS still attached to the aircraft

An airport can be a terrifying place, as planes are taking off and landing at such a high speed. However, one aeroplane almost caused a huge disaster.  A Jetstar pilot in Australia almost took off with a ground worker despite still being attached.  Whilst uninjured, it was a cause for concern as to how the […]