In Other Waters Explores The Depths Of An Alien Ocean Through An AI’s Sensors

From Abzu to Subnautica, the ocean is often a place of vibrant mysteries. In Other Waters is no less mysterious, but takes a far more minimalist approach to its alien depths, presenting its shallows and wrecks and unknown species from the detached perspective of sensors and scanners. As the AI guidance systems for stranded xenobiologist […]

4 examples of AI’s impact on the estate market

GUEST: Many consider real estate to be one of the last markets requiring the dying art of human interaction. However, that may change drastically in the coming years. Real estate companies are looking to streamline efficiency and results and thus look toward artificial intelligence for the answers. Soon, like the traveling salesmen of old, even […]

Examining AI’s role in Amazon’s Prime Day

GUEST: With Amazon’s third Prime Day kicking off tomorrow, Prime consumers can look forward to another day of Black Friday-esque deals. Last year, Prime Day 2016 was Amazon’s biggest sales day ever, surpassing Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Prime Day 2015. In fact, Prime Day 2016 produced 60 percent more orders worldwide and 50 percent […]