Google Play malware used phones’ motion sensors to conceal itself

Enlarge (credit: Andri Koolme / Flickr) Malicious apps hosted in the Google Play market are trying a clever trick to avoid detection—they monitor the motion-sensor input of an infected device before installing a powerful banking trojan to make sure it doesn’t load on emulators researchers use to detect attacks. The thinking behind the monitoring is […]

Breed Reply Invests in METRON and TAG Sensors

PRESS RELEASE: Leading investor in early-stage IoT businesses increases investment portfolio to 20 companies across Europe France-based METRON has developed a smart energy platform for use in industry and Norwegian company TAG Sensors is focused on real-time cold chain management LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–March 20, 2018– Breed Reply,…Read More

In Other Waters Explores The Depths Of An Alien Ocean Through An AI’s Sensors

From Abzu to Subnautica, the ocean is often a place of vibrant mysteries. In Other Waters is no less mysterious, but takes a far more minimalist approach to its alien depths, presenting its shallows and wrecks and unknown species from the detached perspective of sensors and scanners. As the AI guidance systems for stranded xenobiologist […]

The top trends of CES 2018: From almost autonomous vehicles to sensors everywhere

For a week each January, Las Vegas becomes Las Betas. The VentureBeat crew checked out CES 2018, the big tech trade show last week, and we’ve come up with the top trends of the event. These trends are bigger than any single company, and they could change the landscape in the coming years. We were […]

Ben Heck’s mini pinball game: Integrating IR sensors

The team is laser-cutting, CNC-routing and designing another PCB this week. Tune in as Ben uses Autodesk Eagle to design an infrared ball detector for the mini pinball build instead of relying on mechanical detectors, which should help keep costs down. Not all the design work has gone well, though: Felix finds he has to […]

Court rules Zepp has to stop selling its baseball and softball sensors

Zepp Labs’ sensors let you analyze your performance across a number of sports, including baseball, softball, golf, tennis and soccer. But some of its performance-tracking products will soon be no more. In 2015, Blast Motion, a company that makes similar products, sued Zepp for patent infringement and today the two companies announce that they’ve reached […]

On-board computers and sensors could stop the next car-based attack

REUTERS/Andrew Kelly Cities are scrambling to protect busy pedestrian areas and popular events. Computerized systems can be used to automatically brake or even steer the car. But the question of whether humans should still be able to control the car — in certain scenarios — raises ethical concerns. In the wake of car-and truck-based attacks around the world, […]