ITV GMB: ‘Who voted in 2016?’ Jo Swinson slammed by viewers over second referendum demands

Presenters Ben Shephard and Kate Garraway returned to Good Morning Britain today alongside news reporter Charlotte Hawkins for the latest edition of the ITV programme. Appearing via video link, Jo was eager to put her point across after being made the new leader of the Liberal Democrat party, and all her attentions have turned to […]

Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele

The British ex-spy who authored the infamous dossier alleging collusion between Donald Trump and the Kremlin said one of his goals was to give Hillary Clinton legal basis to challenge the 2016 election results. Christopher Steele’s salacious 17-page report was commissioned by Fusion GPS, a firm connected to Clinton’s campaign. “Based on that advice, parties […]

Clinton bots more talkative & influential than Trump bots around 2016 debates, study finds

While the popular narrative blames Clinton’s 2016 electoral loss on (Russian) bots, they actually helped her chances, according to a new study finding pro-Clinton bots were more effective at influencing voters than pro-Trump ones. While there were almost twice as many pro-Trump bots in operation before the 2016 election, the pro-Clinton bots were much more […]

The Russian connection? Banned Facebook pages were featured on 2016 ‘blacklist’

A host of alternative news pages banned by Facebook last week were first featured on the PropOrNot blacklist in 2016 – a list of “Russian propaganda” sites that was compiled with little evidence and called “McCarthyite.” Facebook banned 800 alternative media pages last week, ranging from left-leaning organizations like The Anti-Media to flag-waving opinion sites […]

Trump-backed Republican Troy Balderson holds narrow special election lead over Democratic newcomer Danny O’Connor in deep-red Ohio district that Trump dominated in 2016

AP Photo/John Minchillo Trump-backed Republican Troy Balderson held a narrow lead over Democratic insurgent Danny O’Connor in Ohio’s 12th District special election on Tuesday night, leading the race by nearly 1,800 ballots. A victory for Balderson was not unexpected in the deep-red district where Donald Trump won by 11 points in the 2016 presidential election, […]

Trump says 'Russia is very unhappy' he won in 2016, but he still gets along 'great' with Putin

US President Donald Trump has claimed that Moscow regrets he had won the presidential elections, citing the expulsion of diplomats and his scorn of a Russian gas pipeline to Germany as proof of his tough stance on Russia. Trump was speaking at a ‘Make America Great Again’ rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, to support Rep. Lou […]

Sec. Nielsen on 2016 US election interference: ‘It was the Russians’

Oliver de Ros/AP Photo Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen backed up US intelligence findings on interference in the 2016 US presidential election Tuesday, saying “it was the Russians.” Speaking at a cybersecurity conference, Nielsen offered a sharp condemnation of Russian hacking and cybersecurity threats as a chief concern of the department. Nielsen’s comments […]

Michael Cohen reportedly claims Trump greenlit the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between campaign officials and Russians

REUTERS/Lucas Jackson Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, says Trump knew in advance that senior campaign officials planned to meet with a Kremlin-linked lawyer offering dirt on Hillary Clinton at the height of the election, CNN reported. The report says Cohen claims he and several others were present when Donald Trump Jr., who […]