When it comes to concussions, CFL keeps asking wrong questions

In his first address as Canadian Football League commissioner, Randy Ambrosie tried to get ahead of the question he called, “the elephant in the room.”

Is there a link between football head injuries and brain disease?

“I can simply say this. We’re continuing to look at all of it but right now I think the answer is we don’t know yet,” Ambrosie said. “There is not conclusive evidence. The science is still unclear.”

The question dominated Friday’s commissioner’s state of the league address, which is not unlike last year, when Jeffrey Orridge, who stepped down as commissioner before this season, was heavily criticized for essentially saying the same thing.

“Last I heard, it’s still a subject of debate in the medical and scientific community,” Orridge told reporters during Grey Cup week last year in Toronto.

“The league’s position is that there is no conclusive evidence at this point. And as I said, we continue to work with them and monitor the progress that they’re making in terms of getting a greater understanding of whether or not there is a linkage.”

Ambrosie echoed his predecessor’s comments on Friday.

“Leading neuroscientists in the world, doctors of great reputation met in Berlin, they meet in a cycle, and their report says it’s inconclusive. They don’t know. Effectively they’re saying they don’t know,” he said.

Concussions: Is the Reward Worth the Risk?1:05:16

Commissioner questioned

All-time CFL receptions leader Nik Lewis was at the media event to question the commissioner about his stance on concussions. Lewis is an accredited member of the media for Grey Cup week working for the CFL blog 3DownNation.

Lewis took the microphone and asked his question.

“I believe we talk about the word concussion way too much and not about brain health,” he said. “When will we stop selling safe when we know there’s nothing we can do to make the game safer?”

“It’s a great question, Nik,” responded Ambrosie. “I’m happy to say you’ve been in this game and have a distinction few others will have in their lifetimes. Your career almost stands above all.”

Ambrosie went on to talk about the steps the CFL is taking to make player safety is paramount. After the exchange, CBC Sports talked to Lewis about why it was important to have his voice heard.

“My thing is opening the conversation and getting a dialogue with how we want to view the game,” he said. “They sell it as being safe. I think it’s time to say football is not a safe sport.

Lewis has played professional football in the CFL for the past 14 seasons. He spends three days a week during the off-season learning about brain health, mostly to prolong his career.

“I believe it could be of huge benefit to start a process of working with some of these neuroclinics and educate the players about the rehab of the brain,” Lewis said.

Lewis reiterated his belief that the CFL is asking the wrong questions when it comes to the issue of brain disease and football.

“While there’s no link between the four major brain diseases and concussions there is a link between the four major brain diseases and brain damage.”

Lewis says he wants to be part of the solution in educating players about the dangers of brain injuries.

“As a player I feel like I’m in the Roman Coliseum and when you go there and you’re a gladiator, you don’t go in saying this is going to be safe.”

“And we have to start selling the rehab of the brain and the education that allows you to play it but at the same rate get that function back and know you can play it for 25 years like I’ve done and still know you’ll be ok.”

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of BriefNews.eu and PCHealthBoost.info Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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