Guide to Awesome Couple Sports to Stay Healthy

Top 3 Couple Sports to Enjoy With Your Partner

Sports give your energy, positive emotions and improve your health. So, why not share these delightful moments with your significant other? Couple sports activities are a great way to bond with your partner, get in better shape and have some fun. If you haven’t met your partner yet, check out the best dating sites to find your true love. If you are in a relationship, see our top 3 couple sports you must try today.


Tennis is an amazing kind of sport for a couple. You can play it in the fresh air to get some vitamin D while you are exercising with your partner. Tennis makes all your muscles work (back, legs, abs and even neck) and is a great cardio workout if you want to lose some weight. This couple sport is very competitive and exciting. You can play together with your significant other, or you can invite another couple to make the experience even more pleasant. Whatever you prefer, tennis has got it all. Tennis will help you to reduce stress and anxiety, improve your blood flow and train your stamina.


Running is a fantastic couple fitness activity. Fitness coaches recommend running with someone else rather than alone if you have the opportunity. It will create an atmosphere of competition and help you bond with your partner. Couples who run together cover a 30% longer distance than people who run alone. If you run with someone else, especially with your partner, you will try harder, and your results will be improved. To make the running experience even more exciting, you can try various couple sport challenges. For example, increase the distance by 5-15% each week or run every day for 30 days.

Be extremely careful when running and do not get distracted. You do not want to turn a fun couple sports experience into a trip to the hospital. Wear comfortable shoes and look for a couple sports costumes that can keep you looking sharp as you race around the running track or your local park.


You do not need to be a professional dancer to exercise a couple sports with your significant other. You can try salsa, rumba, Argentine tango, foxtrot, or just dancing in the kitchen together. This type of couple sports helps you to develop plasticity and grace, burn calories and keep your muscles conditioned. All couple sports, especially dancing, will get the spark and passion back.

If your partner does not want to take professional dance classes, you can try YouTube tutorials at home. If you aren’t interested in becoming a professional dancer but want to connect with your significant other and keep your body in shape, simple dancing at home will be fine. Do not try to make the moves perfectly, just enjoy the process. If you or your partner is clumsy, just laugh together and keep practicing.


Before you invite your partner to try these kinds of sports, you can look up couple sports captions for inspiration. Talk to your significant other and decide what type of couple sports you would like to do together. Remember that the experience is about having fun and creating enjoyable memories.

Tennis, dancing and running are by far the most popular couple sports, but there are many others you can try. For example, cycling is perfect for enjoying beautiful views of the city. Swimming is amazing for those who want to train their entire body, and skiing is excellent if you want to soak up that fresh mountain air. Other good examples of couple sports include yoga, golfing and canoeing.

You might need to try a few couple sports activities before you find something you will both enjoy, but it is worth it. What kinds of couple sports have you tried with your partner? Did it help you to rekindle the flame in your relationship? Let us know in the comments below, please.

Post Author: Miranda Davis

Miranda Davis is a freelance writer in relation and psychology area. Miranda is interested in such topics as building healthy relationships between people, love/sex compatibility, and how to find the right balance in life in general. She is currently doing specific research on the topic. Miranda loves cooking and long-distance walking.

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