THIS is the most annoying thing passengers do at the airport – do you do it?

Flights see thousands of passengers pouring into airports as they prepare to jet off for business or leisure.

Unfortunately, with stress levels high, airports are after a place when travellers can forget normal manners.

This leads to numerous passengers feeling highly frustrated when it comes to airport travel – and there’s one thing in particular that really gets to most Britons.

London Stansted Airport and YouGov polled 2,000 British passengers to find out what is the most annoying airport habit.

The number one most annoying thing someone can do at the airport was revealed to be jumping the queue.

A whopping 57 per cent of those questioned said cutting the line was the ultimate no-no when it came to catching a flight.

The second most vexing airport activity was saving seats by putting bags on top of them.

Forty-one per cent of Britons surveyed hated this the most as it prevented others from sitting down.

The third most irksome thing was also related to queuing – but this time those who slowed processes down.

Thirty-eight per cent were frustrated by travellers who don’t have their passports and travel documents ready and hold others up.

Plane passengers who don’t understand or follow the security rules vexed 38 per cent of those polled.

Meanwhile, fliers who have to re-pack their bags and consequently hold up queues exasperated 34 per cent.

The sixth biggest bugbear was airport travellers who rush around and bump into people. This angered 29 per cent of people.

In seventh place, was 25 per cent being ruffled by those who fail to stack their trays after going through security.

Seventeen per cent were annoyed with passengers who didn’t remove items which would set off metal detectors at security and therefore hold others up.

Thirteen per cent were irked by those who queue at the gate ahead of a flight before it even opened.

The final most exasperating activity a person can do at the airport, according to the poll, is accidentally pick up the wrong luggage.

Airport staff have also revealed the weirdest things that they have ever come across at security

The list is seemingly endless, from animals and weapon lookalikes to human ashes and fireworks.

One member of staff once got a terrible fright when a creepy crawly emerged. “A live spider,” they wrote. “Passenger didn’t know and it wasn’t large but he opened his bag, it crawled out, and I screamed.”

The employee was not alone in bizarre discoveries. Another wrote: “There’s a lot of odd stuff found in checked baggage. Commercial fireworks, the mortars that shoot up in the sky and explode. Cops were involved.

“A skinned goat skull packed on top of clothing. It had obviously missed the plane, sat for a day and that was a very bad day. Poorly sealed jars of rotting blended fish, must be a delicacy somewhere.”

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Post Author: martin

Martin is an enthusiastic programmer, a webdeveloper and a young entrepreneur. He is intereted into computers for a long time. In the age of 10 he has programmed his first website and since then he has been working on web technologies until now. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of and Online Magazines. His colleagues appreciate him as a passionate workhorse, a fan of new technologies, an eternal optimist and a dreamer, but especially the soul of the team for whom he can do anything in the world.

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