‘Close shave:’ Russian astronomers visualize large asteroid flying past Earth next month (VIDEO)

Published time: 18 Nov, 2017 01:18 Edited time: 18 Nov, 2017 01:19 A team of Russian astronomers has created a detailed visual scenario of what is likely to happen when a fairly large asteroid, called 3200 Phaethon, flies past the Earth in a close shave next month. Take a sneak peek at the dazzling video. […]

Paint it black? 6 online tools that help you visualize, choose your new wall color

Morning Mist or Misty Morning? Ah, the joy of picking out paint colors. Once upon a time, you had to hold up little colorful squares and try to envision your walls going from white to taupe with just the power of your imagination. Now, however, paint makers all have online tools that will do most […]