Users alarmed by undisclosed microphone in Nest Security System

Enlarge / You can’t see it, but there is actually a microphone in here. (credit: Nest) Google’s Nest smart home brand is in hot water this week after news surfaced (via Daring Fireball) that its home security system, Nest Secure, shipped with an undisclosed microphone. Google activated the microphone earlier this month for Google Assistant […]

Floyd Mayweather fined $600,000 for undisclosed cryptocurrency plugs

Enlarge / Floyd Mayweather Jr. in 2014. (credit: Ethan Miller/Getty Images) One of the strangest episodes in last year’s massive cryptocurrency boom was when boxer Floyd Mayweather posted an Instagram endorsement for a little-known cryptocurrency called Centra. In April, Centra’s founders were indicted for fraud, with the SEC saying that many of their claims were “simply […]

Will May fire Patel? Tory who held ‘undisclosed’ meetings with Israelis summoned back to London

Published time: 8 Nov, 2017 10:57 Tory minister Priti Patel is en route to Britain on Downing Street’s orders following a disclosure that while on “holiday” in Israel she held unauthorized meetings with politicians. It is widely expected she’ll be clearing her desk before day’s end. The International Development Secretary’s fate appears to be sealed […]

Vancouver 2010 doping re-test catches undisclosed athlete

Re-testing of more than a thousand samples from the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics uncovered only one athlete to have taken banned substances, the International Olympic Committee said on Monday. The IOC said it had conducted re-tests of 1,195 urine samples, including those of all medallists from the winter Games seven years ago as well as […]

Kushner adds at least $10 million in previously undisclosed assets to his revised financial report

DoD/Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Dominique A. Pineiro/Handout via REUTERS WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner initially “inadvertently omitted” more than 70 assets worth at least $ 10.6 million from his personal financial disclosure reports, according to revised paperwork released Friday. The previously unreported assets were added to updated […]

Trump rages at media for reporting previously undisclosed meeting with Putin

Carlos Barria/Reuters President Donald Trump scolded the media Tuesday night in a pair of tweets defending his apparently hourlong, previously undisclosed meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month. The meeting took place at the G-20 economic summit in Hamburg, Germany, hours after the two leaders met in a highly publicized formal meeting that lasted […]

Trump’s campaign had at least 18 undisclosed conversations with Russian officials

Thomson Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Michael Flynn and other advisers to Donald Trump’s campaign were in contact with Russian officials and others with Kremlin ties in at least 18 calls and emails during the last seven months of the 2016 presidential race, current and former U.S. officials familiar with the exchanges told Reuters. The previously […]