The Saudis still haven’t locked in the massive arms deals Trump touted, and they’re still talking to Russia about its advanced S-400 air defense system

The Saudis still haven’t locked in the massive arms deals Trump touted, and they’re still talking to Russia about its advanced S-400 air defense system NOW WATCH: Why the Saudi crown prince met with Trump, Oprah, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos See Also: The Saudis still haven’t locked in the massive arms deals Trump touted, […]

Putin has touted an ‘invincible’ nuclear weapon that really exists — here’s how it works and why it deeply worries experts

Sputnik Photo Agency/Reuters During a speech on Thursday, Russian president Vladimir Putin showed test footage of a new intercontinental ballistic missile. The nuclear weapon, called the RS-28 Sarmat or Satan 2, has been in development since 2009. Putin claimed the ICBM is “invincible” to missile defense systems. He also presented animations of several other weapons, […]