‘Too old and too fat’ Piers Morgan skewers Therese Coffey on why UK has highest death rate

Piers Morgan grilled Thérèse Coffey after she suggested that Britain’s ageing population and level of obesity led to the worst Covid-related death rate in the world. Recent Oxford University research showed that the UK currently has the highest daily coronavirus death rate in the world. Piers Morgan accused the Government’s Work and Pensions Secretary of suggesting the […]

Phillip Schofield erupts over Therese Coffey response to Marcus Rashford ‘What the hell?’

Today’s This Morning began with a heated discussion between Phillip Schofield, Holly Willoughby, Nick Ferrari and Michelle Gayle about Rashford’s call for the government to help provide free meals for children who need them over the coming summer holidays. The debate touched upon Ms Coffey’s response to Ashford’s latest tweets this morning in which he […]

Did you know Versailles' Queen Marie Therese stripped off for racy Game of Thrones scene?

The actress, who stars as Queen Marie-Therese in the BBC drama, also appeared as prostitute Mirelle in the third season of the HBO series. Mirelle is one of the many women who work in one of Petyr Baelish’s (played by Aiden Gillen) brothels in King’s Landing.  She was a particular favourite with Bronn (Jerome Flynn) […]