Tom Hiddleston Betrayal theatre dates: When are tickets on sale? Plus ADVANCE booking info

Next Spring will be a bumper few months for Hiddlestoners. The actor will be returning as Loki in Avengers 4, even though he was killed off in Infinity War. He has already filmed scenes but nobody knows if they are flashbacks or the popular anti-hero will be brought back to life. Fans, though, will able […]

Theatre reviews: The Lovely Bones, Eastern Star and The Prisoner

The Lovely Bones – Royal & Derngate Northampton unti September 22 then touring until November 17. Tickets: 01604 624811 / When Alice Sebold’s novel The Lovely Bones was published in 2002, it was described as “the book of the decade”. So no pressure on Bryony Lavery in dramatising it for the stage. Told entirely from […]

Theatre Review: The Winter's Tale

The subject of much scholarly debate and disagreement, it is also enduringly popular with audiences. Maybe the groundlings have a better insight into the play than academics. The plot goes like this: Leontes, King of Sicilia, is entertaining his best mate Polixenes, King of Bohemia, when he is suddenly struck by the belief that his […]

Chess theatre review – Choreography is athletic but clichéd, lyrics inaudible

It aims to explore Cold War tensions and is loosely based on the rivalry of chess grandmasters American Bobby Fischer and Russian Boris Spassky but is muddled and puerile. The Fischer character, defeated in the first act, switches allegiance in the second more often than the shadiest Le Carré character but without a fraction of […]

Michael Ball discusses his exciting new theatre show, Chess at the London Coliseum

MARK KEHOE Mr Ball is very excited to star in Chess Lesser mortals would be aghast at the prospect but you can almost feel his pleasure at being so busy. On Sundays he’ll be hosting his Radio 2 show; the rest of the week he’ll be starring in the revival of the musical Chess at […]

Theatre Royal Haymarket sale: After #MeToo, all-female group's takeover bid gains momentum

It was announced earlier this month that the venue’s 68-year lease is to go on sale, with the freehold currently owned by the Crown Estate. Bossy, the group set up by Jonna Blode Hanno and Laura Thomasina Haynes, boasts 13000 members on Facebook and set up a crowdfunding campaign in a bid to take over […]

The Windmill Theatre: Britain's oldest strip club in fight for survival

ALAMY/GETTY The Windmill Theatre was the first British theatre to feature nudity by exploiting a legal loophole His objection: that not only were naked ladies on stage but that some of them had moved.  “This is carrying stage nudity too far,” the letter said.  “His Lordship is not prepared to allow three full-figured girls out […]