Syrians celebrate Christmas & hope for lasting peace as US troops pullout (VIDEOS)

Syria, which saw large parts of its territory liberated from Islamists this year, is celebrating Christmas with pre-war fervor, hoping that the war is nearing its end as militant control dwindles and foreign actors leave. The bloodshed in Syria has affected everyone in the country, yet its religious minorities have undoubtedly seen the worst, having […]

Brits Fear Brexit More Than Syrians Fear Another Year of War

In 2016, five years into the Syrian war — when more than a quarter of a million people had already died and more than 11 million were displaced — Harriet Lamb, CEO of peace and conflict charity International Alert, visited a school for Syrian refugees in Lebanon. In spite of the bloodshed and upheaval, she […]

Syrians go to polls in 1st local elections for 7 years of war

Syrians are electing their local councils during first municipal elections since the start of the lingering seven-year war. Polls have opened on Sunday shortly after an overnight airstrike hit Damascus airport. As many as 6,551 polling stations opened on Sunday morning with Syrians invited to vote for their representatives in local councils, state news agency […]

‘Raqqa was a beautiful city, now it’s completely destroyed’ – Syrians lament cost of US bombing

US-led coalition airstrikes on Raqqa, an Islamic State stronghold in Syria, have claimed many civilian lives and forced tens of thousands to flee. RT’s Ruptly agency spoke to the displaced locals who described how the city was leveled in front of their eyes. The ancient city of Raqqa, which has recently become known as the […]

Millions of Western dollars meant to save ‘lost generation’ of Syrians vanished – HRW

Millions of dollars pledged by the international community to pay for the education of Syrian refugee children has gone missing, according to an investigation by Human Rights Watch (HRW). In 2016, a conference in London attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as David Cameron and John Kerry, then-UK prime minister and US secretary […]

‘Theatrical decisiveness’: US sanctions 271 Syrians amid stalled Idlib chemical attack probe

The US has sanctioned some 271 Syrians who Washington believes are involved in the research and production of chemical weapons. The move is yet another retaliatory measure for the Idlib incident which was pinned on Damascus without any investigation. The US Treasury Department on Monday announced that it sanctioned 271 employees of Syria’s Scientific Studies […]

Bake bread not war: Russian military helps Syrians restore Aleppo bakery (VIDEO)

In Aleppo, where relentless fighting between the Syrian Army and Islamist militants ended only two months ago, the Russian military has helped local authorities restore a large bakery, setting hopes for a slow but steady recovery for the war-ravaged city. Until recently, most Aleppo residents have been heavily dependent on food deliveries provided by aid […]