Pot removed from controlled substance list under proposed legislation

Enlarge (credit: Anne Frye) A Democratic senator from New Jersey proposed legislation (PDF) Tuesday that would remove marijuana from the federal list of controlled substances. The proposal, if adopted, would also financially punish states that fail to decriminalize marijuana if they have racial disparities in their arrest and incarceration rates connected to marijuana. Booker (credit: Facebook) […]

Type 2 diabetes cure – substance mentioned in Greek mythology could reduce symptoms

TYPE 2 diabetes risk is increased by metabolic syndrome, a condition triggered by four risk factors, increase blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat and high cholesterol. Now experts believed they have found a substance which could treat the condition. Daily Express :: Health Feed

Constipation or loss of sex drive? Why YOU might be deficient in THIS vital substance

One lesser known mineral – iodine – is crucial to health but hundreds of people are putting themselves at risk by ditching the foods which contain vital nutrients. More than 30 million people in the UK now report having some form of allergy or intolerance, and Mintel forecasts the free from market is expected to […]

Fight tooth decay: THIS unexpected natural substance could protect YOUR teeth

Experts at the University of Illinois’ Chicago College of Dentistry, USA, found that grape seed extract can help to strengthen the tissue behind a tooth’s enamel. The scientist claims that the breakthrough could prevent patients from needing fillings, and also boost the strength of the fillings themselves. Dr Rob Wain, UK dentist, said the study […]