Mini stroke symptoms: Seven signs there’s a problem and you’re at risk of having a stroke

MINI stroke symptoms are the same as those of a stroke, but they tend to only last for a few minutes or hours. It’s important to be aware of all the signs because a mini stroke could mean you’re at risk of having a full stroke in the near future, which can have fatal consequences. […]

Mini stroke symptoms: Seven signs there's a problem and you're at risk of having a stroke

Mini strokes are also known as a TIA – a transient ischaemic attack. Like strokes, a TIA is caused by a blood clot blocking an artery leading to the brain. The main symptoms are the same as those of a stroke, and usually begin suddenly. The difference is the symptoms only last for a few […]

Fibre deficiency: How to get enough ‘roughage’ in your diet and prevent a stroke

FIBRE deficiency can occur if you have a poor diet, which does not contain enough fruit, vegetables and carbohydrates. This can increase your risk of developing stroke, heart disease and diabetes among other conditions. Follow these NHS-recommended diet tips to avoid a fibre deficiency.

High blood pressure: Slash reading with 26p a portion food – You could avoid a stroke

BLOOD pressure changes depending on many factors including the time of day, level of exercise and diet. You may have high blood pressure, increasing your risk of a stroke and heart disease, if you have a high salt diet or don’t exercise regularly. Eating this 26p a portion vegetable could slash your blood pressure, helping […]

Stroke warning: Five types of people most likely to have deadly stroke – are you at risk?

A stroke is a serious medical emergency that requires immediate treatment, according to the NHS. It’s caused by the blood supply to part of the brain becoming cut off. The condition can lead to widespread and long-lasting problems, including difficulty moving, incontinence, and communication problems. Stroke symptoms include a drooping face on one side, difficulty […]

Stroke symptoms: Five healthy eating tips to slash your risk of the condition happening

Stroke symptoms usually begin suddenly and depend on the part of your brain affected and the extent of the damage. The main symptoms can be remembered with F.A.S.T., according to the NHS. It advises to look out for the following: F for face – the face may have dropped on one side, the person may […]

Mini stroke symptoms: Four ways to prevent a transient ischaemic attack happening

Mini strokes are also known as a TIA – a transient ischaemic attack. Like strokes, a TIA is caused by a blood clot blocking an artery leading to the brain. The symptoms are the same as those of a stroke, and usually begin suddenly. The difference is the symptoms only last for a few minutes […]