SpaceX’s Starman Roadster has ventured past Mars

Starman and its Tesla Roadster are officially a long, long way from home. SpaceX has confirmed that Falcon Heavy’s test payload has passed Mars’ orbit, putting it at one of its greatest distances away from the Sun (it should reach its far point on November 8th at 1.66AU, or 155 million miles). While it isn’t […]

Watch SpaceX’s first West Coast ground landing at 10:21PM ET

SpaceX may be an old hand at rocket landings by this point, but there are still a few firsts left. The private spaceflight company is launching Argentina’s SAOCOM 1A satellite from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 10:21PM Eastern (7:21PM Pacific), and you’ll want to watch what happens on the way down. If all goes according […]

The final launch of SpaceX’s Block 4 rocket looked stunning

Enlarge / The sunrise launch of SpaceX’s CRS-15 mission was spectacular. (credit: SpaceX) On Friday, SpaceX launched its final Block 4 version of the Falcon 9 rocket, and it did so during the pre-dawn hours along the Florida coast. Sunrise and sunset launches are always a playground for photographers and especially so for the talented Trevor […]

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket has roughly 300 launches before retirement

Now that SpaceX’s final Falcon 9 design has launched for the first time, there’s a looming question: how many more launches does the vehicle have left? Elon Musk has an idea. He estimated that SpaceX will build 30 to 40 more Falcon 9 cores for “~300 missions” over the next five years. The pioneering rocket […]

After “crazy hard” development, SpaceX’s Block 5 rocket has taken flight

Enlarge / The Block 5 version of the Falcon 9 rocket launches on Friday. (credit: SpaceX) For most watching the Falcon 9 rocket launch on Friday afternoon from Florida, the spectacle did not appear all that different from any SpaceX rocket launch and subsequent droneship landing. But sometimes, looks can be deceiving. This rocket ascending […]

SpaceX’s valuation approaches $25 billion, growing Elon Musk’s fortune to $21.3 billion

SpaceX could soon be one of the most valuable VC-based companies thanks to a new round of funding that would also give the net worth of founder Elon Musk a nice bump. According to Bloomberg, SpaceX is seeking to raise $ 507 million in funding, valuing the company at $ 25 billion. That would make […]

SpaceX’s president on Elon Musk: ‘When Elon says something, you have to pause and not blurt out ‘Well, that’s impossible”

Rebecca Cook / Reuters SpaceX, Elon Musk’s rocket company, has achieved remarkable success in the last decade and a half. SpaceX COO and president Gwynne Shotwell has been there since the beginning. At the 2018 TED Conference, she discussed what it’s like to work with Elon Musk. Elon Musk has become legendary for coming up […]