Flight secrets: Cabin crew's one simple trick will help protect you from smelly passengers

Flights are bad enough without having to endure bad smells, but frustratingly there’s little passengers can do to control who they are sat near on a plane. If another flier has bad body odour or has been sick – what can you do to mask the smell? A cabin crew member has revealed there’s a […]

Be nice & don’t spread manure: Canadian farmers asked to avoid smelly fertilizer during G7

Farmers in Charlevoix, Quebec were urged not to spread smelly fertilizer before the G7 summit in order to protect high-ranking guests from an unpleasant odor, according to media reports. The move may jeopardize crops, however. The call for farmers to avoid spreading manure on their fields came ahead of the G7 summit, which will take […]

Smelly Poo Water Rains Down From New York's Penn Station Roof

[embedded content] If you’ve ever been inside New York City’s Penn Station, you know that it often smells like piss and shit. Yesterday, things somehow managed to get worse when commuters were greeted with a waterfall of rotten-smelling, poo-colored water that gushed from the station’s ceiling. Advertisement The Associated Press reports that people “were holding […]