A quiet force that has propped up mobile advertising is suddenly sliding

Wolfgang Rattay/Reuters For years,  game ads — that is, ads that urge people to install the latest mobile game app — have quietly served as the lifeblood of mobile advertising. As more people started playing games on mobile devices in recent years, a growing number of marketers were finding these games to be a solid place to run video ads. But things may […]

Bitcoin is sliding

Bitcoin is flirting with a break below $ 2,500 a coin. The cryptocurrency trades down 3.7% at $ 2,510 and is threatening its lowest close since June 27. It’s rival, ethereum is also under pressure, down 8% at $ 244. Friday’s slide comes amid a relatively quiet week for bitcoin. It’s price has been locked in […]

FAANG stocks are sliding as DOW hits record highs (FB, AAPL, AMZN, NFLX, GOOGL)

Sonja Pauen/Flickr Tech stocks continue their rollercoaster performance as FAANG stocks during Monday’s holiday-shortened session. The major tech stocks are all down, even as the Dow Jones Industrial Average hits all-time highs.  Tech stocks have been propping up the Nasdaq this year, but recently the FAANG stocks have come under pressure. Here’s how the FAANG stocks […]

Toyota sees profit sliding 20 percent, hurting its work on new technologies

TOKYO – Toyota, Japan’s biggest automaker, forecast operating profit for the current year to slide by a fifth due to increased spending to push sales in a slowing US market and the lingering impact from a stronger yen. The prediction of a second straight year of profit decline by Toyota comes at a time when […]