Russian marines land on Syrian shores in massive Mediterranean drills (VIDEOS)

Russia has staged large-scale military exercises in the Mediterranean Sea near Syria, involving both its Navy and Air Force. The drills were held amid the ongoing escalation around Idlib, and US threats to strike Syria. Footage released by Russia’s Defense Ministry shows marine Special Forces equipped with state-of-the-art gear landing on the shores of the […]

Santorini in HELL: Greece NOW struggles to cope as record 32m tourists land on shores

Greece will welcome a record 32 million foreign travellers this year – that’s more than twice the 15 million tourists who visited in 2010. It’s the only European destination this decade which has seen such an overwhelming surge in visitor numbers. There’s no denying tourism has greatly helped Greece and its struggling economy – it’s […]

Eight men arrived on Japan’s shores claiming they’re North Korean fishermen whose boat went adrift

Japanese police found eight men on their shores who claim to be North Korean fishermen. The men don’t appear to be defectors, but rather their boat ran into trouble and went adrift. Last week, the Japan Coast Guard rescued three North Korean men on a capsized boat in the Sea of Japan, before they returned home […]

Putin says sending Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier group to Syria’s shores was his own idea

Published time: 23 Feb, 2017 13:42Edited time: 23 Feb, 2017 13:51 Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the idea to send a Russian aircraft carrier group to Syria was his own, adding that Russia does not intend to interfere in Syria’s internal affairs, but wants to deal with the terrorists. Russia’s aircraft carrier group […]