Top 10 Title Sequences of 2021 (2021)

The Best Title Sequences of 2021  In a year that felt very much like a run-on of 2020, many of us found solace and joy in screen-based arts and entertainment. Art of the Title’s eighth annual list of the year’s top 10 title sequences celebrates the cream of the crop of motion-based graphic design from […]

Top 10 Title Sequences of 2019 (2019)

The Best Title Sequences of 2019, as chosen by Art of the Title For our sixth annual list of the year’s top 10 title sequences, Art of the Title’s panel of experts chose from among film, television, video games, events, and conferences. The Top 10 of 2019 were chosen based on criteria including originality and innovation, […]

Final Destination: The Title Sequences (2000)

For most successful horror film franchises, the river to box-office gold runs crimson with the blood of gleefully slaughtered teens. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Final Destination series, which celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2020. Over a ten-year period and five films (with a reboot on the way), the franchise raked in […]

Top 10 Title Sequences of 2020 (2020)

The Best Title Sequences of 2020  It’s been a year like no other. A year when so many of us turned to screens to connect or, indeed, to disconnect; when we ached for a dollop of entertainment, a moment of escape or a dose of comfort, for something familiar or something completely new.  This year, […]

DNA data from Africans reveals sequences that we’d missed

Enlarge / The first printout of the human genome to be presented as a series of books, displayed in the ‘Medicine Now’ room at the Wellcome Collection, London. (credit: Russ London at English Wikipedia) The human genome sequence, first published in 2001, has some important information missing. The latest version of it, called GRCh38, has […]