Techstars selects 2 Chattanooga startups for its Atlanta accelerator program

Two Chattanooga startup companies were picked to take part in Techstars Atlanta, an acclaimed “accelerator” program for budding businesses that marks its second year in Atlanta. The Chattanooga startups chosen were Collider Tech, which is developing a high-speed, 3-D printer for industrial use, and Rapid RMS, which makes cloud-based, point-of-sale software so gas stations, liquor […]

Parliamentary commission selects draft text for Russian oath of allegiance

Published time: 30 Jun, 2017 13:37 Russian lawmakers have selected a preliminary draft for the oath of allegiance to be taken in the process of receiving Russian citizenship. Read more The idea to introduce an oath-taking ceremony into the process of receiving Russian citizenship was proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier in June. Lawmakers […]

It’s official: U.S. transportation agency selects 10 autonomous car testing sites

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced 10 designated proving grounds for automated vehicles from a field of more than 60. The chosen sites had to show they had the ability to test vehicles safely and agree to share their findings. The post It’s official: U.S. transportation agency selects 10 autonomous car testing sites appeared first […]