Top tax policy Democrat says Republicans want to keep the status quo so only ‘little guys’ get audited but ‘billionaire friends’ get off scot-free

Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon speaks to reporters at the US Capitol. Drew Angerer/Getty Images Democrats' Inflation Reduction Act contains nearly $ 80 billion in funding for the IRS. Republicans have said that the funding will go towards hiring an "army" of IRS agents. Sen. Ron Wyden said that Republicans want to save their billionaire […]

Vodafone customers given second chance to ditch contracts scot-free

Some Vodafone customers are being given a second chance to ditch their mobile contracts without incurring any nasty early exit penalties, after the provider changed the way roaming fees work earlier this year. Ahead of roaming charges being abolished across the EU, Vodafone announced in April a flat £5 per day fee for using your […]