This Is Us Recap: Kate’s Demons Resurface, Kevin Makes a Choice

RELATED STORIES Is there anything more sneakily heartbreaking than the passage of time? There’s a sequence at the end of this week’s This Is Us that I found suddenly, devastatingly heartbreaking. Before you worry too much: No one died. No one broke up. No one revealed a terrible diagnosis or anything of the sort. The […]

This Week In Trailers: Resurface, The Florida Project, 30 Years of Garbage: The Garbage Pail Kids Story, Polina, The Work

Trailers are an under-appreciated art form insofar that many times they’re seen as vehicles for showing footage, explaining films away, or showing their hand about what moviegoers can expect. Foreign, domestic, independent, big budget: What better way to hone your skills as a thoughtful moviegoer than by deconstructing these little pieces of advertising? This week […]