Rick Scott defeats Bill Nelson for Florida Senate seat after tense recount

Wilfredo Lee, File via AP Florida Gov. Rick Scott defeated Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson Sunday in a contentious race for the state’s Senate seat. Scott led Nelson by more than 10,000 votes Sunday after the recount’s noon deadline, according to the Associated Press. Over the course of the campaign, Scott baselessly claimed rampant voter fraud […]

Florida orders recount of neck-and-neck Senate & governor races

Florida is officially holding a recount of votes in its Senate and governor races, where Republicans Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis have led over their Democratic rivals, Bill Nelson and Andrew Gillum, both by a small margin. With the results of both races falling within the margin of triggering a recount, Florida secretary of state […]

Florida judge orders voter records inspection, siding with Republicans as recount looms

A Florida judge ruled the Broward County elections supervisor must allow inspection of voter records in response to a lawsuit from outgoing Governor Rick Scott, whose Senate victory is now in jeopardy thanks to late-counted votes. Judge Carol-Lisa Phillip ruled that Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes must allow the records to be inspected before 7 […]

Pennsylvania’s special election may not get a recount as Democrat Lamb declared victory by less than 1,000 votes

Jeff Swensen/Getty Images Despite the Democrat candidate Conor Lamb declaring victory with fewer than 1,000 votes in the lead, Pennsylvania’s election doesn’t have to go to a recount. Voters in each precinct would have to file a petition to trigger a recount. Only absentee and provisional ballots remain to be counted as Lamb leads with […]

‘IT’S NOT OVER’: Roy Moore refuses to concede and insists there could be recount

REUTERS/Carlo Allegri Roy Moore refused to concede the Alabama Senate race to Doug Jones on Tuesday night. Alabama’s secretary of state suggested a recount would be unlikely to change the result. Alabama GOP Senate candidate Roy Moore on Tuesday refused to concede the race to Democrat Doug Jones, suggesting he would wait for a recount […]

‘We have woken up to a new Turkey’: Erdogan celebrates his referendum win — while rivals urge a recount

AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis Istanbul (AFP) – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was on Monday celebrating a narrow win in a referendum giving him sweeping new powers that exposed bitter divisions in Turkey and left incensed rivals demanding a major recount. The referendum was seen as crucial not just for shaping the political system of Turkey but […]

Ecuador’s Moreno claims victory in presidential election, rival demands recount

Published time: 3 Apr, 2017 01:04Edited time: 3 Apr, 2017 01:26 Lenin Moreno, the candidate of the ruling Alianza País Party in Ecuador appears to have secured a win in the second round of presidential elections, barely beating his rival, the conservative Guillermo Lasso who thus far has refused to concede. With 99 percent of […]