Elon Musk and other guests dispute that a notorious Silicon Valley gathering was a ‘sex party’: ‘Nerds on a couch are not a cuddle puddle’

Attendees of a now-notorious Silicon Valley party described as a “sex party” are disputing its characterization by “Brotopia” author Emily Chang. Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk said: “If there are ‘sex parties’ in Silicon Valley, I haven’t seen or heard of one.” Another attendee confirmed there was a “cuddle space,” but said she napped […]

Hitman’s first year saw 250,000 player-created contracts, 70 puddle failures, and coconut murder

Square Enix’s latest Hitman debuted one year ago, and now the publisher and developer IO Interactive are looking back on 12 months of the live assassination-as-a-service simulator. Since launch, IO updated the game weekly with new content and then on a regularly basis with full episodes that introduced new locations, but it’s what the players […]