Elon Musk and other guests dispute that a notorious Silicon Valley gathering was a ‘sex party’: ‘Nerds on a couch are not a cuddle puddle’

Attendees of a now-notorious Silicon Valley party described as a “sex party” are disputing its characterization by “Brotopia” author Emily Chang. Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk said: “If there are ‘sex parties’ in Silicon Valley, I haven’t seen or heard of one.” Another attendee confirmed there was a “cuddle space,” but said she napped […]

Bitcoin only good for tech nerds, privacy nuts & criminals – ING analyst

Published time: 22 Dec, 2017 11:15 Dutch multinational bank ING says bitcoin won’t see large-scale adoption, as the cryptocurrency doesn’t have much to offer ordinary people with its basic features a significant hurdle to legalization. “What they regard as key benefits, may actually be impediments to wider adoption… Users will include tech nerds, people obsessed […]

Aw, Nerds! ’30 Rock’ and ‘How I Met Your Mother’ Are Leaving Netflix This Fall

The more time goes by and the more Netflix gets invested in their own original programming, the more titles that have been part of the streaming services library for years will be disappearing. Earlier this year, Futurama fans were annoyed to learn that nearly the entire series was leaving the streaming service along with several […]

Watch '80s Nerds Play Video Games in a Starcade Marathon, Streaming Now

Before there were e-sports — heck, before the original Nintendo even came to America — there was Starcade. The 1982-84 game show, which pitted video-game nerds against each other in vintage arcade games like Pac-Man, Centipede and Donkey Kong, is back this week, with gaming site Twitch streaming a six-day Starcademarathon that runs through this […]

Samsung’s QLED TVs are a dream for color calibration nerds

For video pros or color aficionados who want to see films the way they were intended, HDR’s extra-wide color gamut is a godsend. However, calibrating HDR TVs is a tedious pain, forcing you to futz with onscreen menus using a clumsy remote. If you’re serious about it and have the budget, however, Samsung has teamed […]