Biden calls pandemic “over” despite pathetic booster rates and new variants

Enlarge / US President Joe Biden speaks at the Detroit Auto Show, in Detroit on September 14, 2022. (credit: Getty | Anadolu Agency) “The pandemic is over,” President Joe Biden said matter-of-factly in a 60 Minutes interview that aired Sunday night. The impromptu comment immediately drew headlines, as well as criticism from health experts. It […]

‘He’s pathetic’ Piers Morgan in furious clash with Susanna Reid over Prince Harry

“What I want to make clear is we’re not walking away, and we certainly aren’t walking away from you. Our hope was to continue serving the Queen, the Commonwealth, and my military associations, but without public funding. Unfortunately, that wasn’t possible. “I’ve accepted this, knowing that it doesn’t change who I am or how committed […]

ITV Good Morning Britain: Piers Morgan brands Alex Beresford ‘pathetic’ in heated debate

Piers Morgan, 53, and Alex, 38, were caught up in an awkward spat earlier this week on Good Morning Britain, which led the weatherman to storm off the set. Today’s edition of the ITV news programme saw the presenters, including Susanna Reid, 48, and Charlotte Hawkins, 44, discuss the use of papooses to carry a […]

Mundine’s ‘pathetic’ rematch plea

Anthony Mundine should take some time to listen to Kenny Rogers and learn when he should walk away. The controversial Australian athlete left boxing fans scratching their heads when he announced plans to return to the ring. Not only that, he’s chasing a rematch against Jeff Horn. The same Jeff Horn who comprehensively wiped the […]

‘Insults and pathetic lies’: Russian diplomat slams WaPo over praise for Bellingcat MH17 claims

Russia has done everything to help the MH17 investigation, yet to its disgrace the Washington Post chooses to believe fake social media ‘investigators’ and cherry-pick facts, a senior Russian diplomat writes. Dmitry Polyanskiy, first deputy permanent representative at the Russian mission to the UN, sent an open letter to the Post on Friday, after a […]

Former Celtic star slams ‘PATHETIC’ Rangers over David Bates’ Hamburg deal

Rangers defender Bates, 21, has struck a pre-contract agreement with Hamburg and will join the German club on a four-year deal in the summer. The Gers were in talks to extend his contract but boss Graeme Murty claimed they were blown out of the water by Hamburg. However, Commons believes Rangers should have been able […]

‘Pretty pathetic’: Bernie Sanders throws darts at investigators looking into his wife

Screenshot via CNN Bernie Sanders had terse words for federal investigators looking into his wife as part of a fraud inquiry related to her tenure as president of a small Vermont liberal-arts college. The FBI is investigating allegations that Jane Sanders made fraudulent claims and promises while seeking $ 10 million in financing for a […]

Janet Street-Porter and Lisa Riley CLASH in heated jealousy debate: ‘That's pathetic!’

Today’s episode saw the panel discussing jealousy and their feelings about whether exes could ever really be friends. However, the debate got intense fairly quickly after former Emmerdale star Lisa, 40, admitted that she would not be able to accept her partner remaining friends with his ex-wife. “If it’s your partner, you have to put […]

Gary Neville rips into ‘PATHETIC’ player on live TV during Liverpool v Everton

Neville was outraged at the way Robles was caught out of position and allowed Divock Origi to score the third goal in the Reds’ win. After seeing the strike in real time, Neville – commentating for Sky Sports – said: “Something is not quite right here, I’m not sure what it is.” And then all […]

Trump claims Schwarzenegger was ‘FIRED’ from Celebrity Apprentice over ‘pathetic ratings'

The 71-year-old commander-in-chief left the NBC series in 2014, before Schwarzenegger swooped in as his replacement a year later.  However, despite still serving as executive producer of the hit reality show, Donald Trump continually put down his successor.  Following Schwarzenegger’s announcement that he’s quit Celebrity Apprentice USA, Trump hurled wild accusations against the beloved actor.  […]