Congress is scrambling to find a deal to end the government shutdown as both parties play the blame game

Getty Images/Pool After the Senate failed to pass a funding bill Friday night, the federal government is now in a partial shutdown. The two parties in the Senate failed to reach an agreement on immigration, funding, healthcare, or the timing of a shutdown delay. The Senate will reconvene at 12 p.m. ET to continue their […]

Pokemon Go Gen 3 news, big parties update, new Weather effects EXPLAINED

The new Pokemon Go Gen 3 update has been launched, meaning 50 new Pocket Monsters are now available to be caught. There hasn’t been a full list made of which Pokemon have been added to the game this week, although it’s expected that more will be added in the near future. Today’s new drop has […]

Majority of Americans have ‘unfavorable opinion’ of both major parties – poll

The Democratic Party registered its worst popularity ranking in over 25 years of polling, while Republicans also produced some very unflattering results. Is it time for America to start seriously considering a political third way? Judging by the harsh accusation aimed at President Donald Trump by the Democrats, one would think they had the full […]

New Zealand dollar is slumping with the coalition of Labour and NZ First parties The NZDUSD is under a huge amount of pressure overnight after New Zealand has finally formed a government and center-left Labour party leader Jacinda Ardern is going to be the new Prime Minister. This was probably the worst case scenario for NZD bulls. The market seems to be leaning towards a weak NZD in the coming […]

America, like Europe, should let thousands of political parties bloom

AP Sunday’s election in Germany proved to be a “debacle” for Chancellor Angela Merkel, as the German daily Der Spiegel put it. Not only did the two mainstream parties, Merkel’s Christian Democrats and her coalition partner, the Social Democrats, suffer a shocking loss of support, but the openly xenophobic Alternative for Germany, or AfD, won 12.6 percent […]

No renegotiating Iran nuclear deal, all parties fully compliant – EU foreign policy chief

Published time: 21 Sep, 2017 01:07 Edited time: 21 Sep, 2017 01:10 All parties to Iran’s nuclear agreement remain in full compliance with the deal, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini said after the Wednesday P5+1 powers’ meeting. She emphasized that the deal had potentially averted a military incursion into Iran. “This is an agreement […]

‘How to Talk to Girls at Parties’ Trailer: Elle Fanning’s Alien Wants to Learn About Punk

Elle Fanning continues her electric career playing precocious teens on the cusp of sexual awakening with her role as the eccentric love interest in How to Talk to Girls at Parties — but with a twist. This time, Fanning is an alien newly indoctrinated into 1970s’ London’s punk rock scene. Based off of Neil Gaiman‘s short story […]

“Change is Good” Book Excerpt: WIRED Cofounder Louis Rossetto’s New Novel Parties Like It’s 1998

WIRED cofounder Louis Rossetto has written a novel, “Change Is Good,” that captures the optimism, greed, fervor, and madness of the dotcom era. An excerpt. Feed: All Latest