Latest Windows Insider build makes a major upgrade to, uh… Notepad

Enlarge (credit: g4ll4is / Flickr) There’s a new Windows Insider build out today, and the biggest changes appear to be none other than Notepad, Windows’ venerable barebones text editor. Notepad already received a significant update in the recent October 2018 Update: Microsoft added support for files with Unix-style line endings. But the work hasn’t stopped […]

Microsoft releases new Windows 10 preview with Sets, clipboard, dark theme, Notepad, and search improvements

While Windows 10 barely got a mention at Build 2018, Microsoft today released a new preview for PCs with Sets, clipboard, dark theme, Notepad, search, Start, and Settings improvements. This build is from the RS5 branch, which represents the Windows 10 update the company plans to release later this year. Windows 10 is being developed […]

Notepad gets a major upgrade, now does Unix line endings

Enlarge (credit: g4ll4is / Flickr) Notepad, the text editor that ships with Windows, is not a complicated application. For many, this is its major advantage—by having virtually no features, it cannot go wrong—but especially for software developers, it has often proven an annoyance. That’s because Notepad has traditionally only understood Windows line endings. Windows, Unix, […]