Do You Have White Privilege? OZY Asks This and More of Nashville's Women

Their voices underlined their passion. On the Nashville stage, two women participating in Take On America with OZY went head to head over whether gun control could help stamp out school shootings nationwide, their voices rising as they debated. The show confronts today’s most pressing issues by exploring the diversity of opinions among groups often […]

Can Nashville's Deacon Ever Forgive His Dad? Charles Esten, EP Preview Finale

The bourbon bottle Deacon found in his father’s car and hurled into the night in last week’s Nashville might as well have been a bomb, for all the damage it will cause for the Claybourne men. The revelation that Gideon, Deacon’s estranged father and fellow recovering alcoholic, is drinking again pretty much obliterates the men’s […]

Nashville's Charles Esten Forecasts Deacon's First Post-Rayna Date

Ladies and gentlemen, Nashville‘s Deacon Claybourne is officially back on the market. And in tonight’s episode (CMT, 9/8c), the Highway 65 chief goes on his first date since Rayna’s death last season — an occasion for mixed feelings, star Charles Esten says, if ever there were one. “It’s a horrifically hard position he’s in right now,” […]