9-1-1: A Mudslide Destroys the Hollywood Sign in Season 4 Teaser

RELATED STORIES Even the famed Hollywood sign isn’t safe from the latest eye-popping natural disaster on 9-1-1. After weathering an earthquake and a tsunami in previous seasons, the 9-1-1 team has to contend with a dangerous mudslide in a new teaser for Season 4 of the Fox procedural (which you can watch above). At first, […]

Watch a Toyota ‘bobsled’ down a hill in California mudslide

It’s hard to wrap your brain around the devastation that has befallen Santa Barbara County in California in the wake of the one-two punch of massive wildfires followed by rainfall that triggered widespread mudslides. Rescuers are still combing through the wreckage for survivors two days later. Firefighters from Burbank, in neighboring Los Angeles County, shared […]

3 people killed, 15 missing after mudslide hits Chilean village

Published time: 16 Dec, 2017 23:36 Two local women and a male tourist have died after a mudslide hit the small southern Chilean town of Villa Santa Lucia, located near the Corcovado National Park, renowned for its volcanoes, on Saturday. Three people were injured in the incident and airlifted to a hospital. The death toll, […]

400 killed, hundreds missing in devastating Sierra Leone mudslide (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

Published time: 15 Aug, 2017 22:41 Rescuers have recovered 400 bodies from a mudslide that wiped out entire communities outside Freetown in Sierra Leone Monday, with the number of dead expected to rise as “thousands” remain missing. “As the search continues, we have collected nearly 400 bodies – but we anticipate more than 500,” chief […]