Texas woman charged with mailing explosives to Obama and Texas governor

Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP A Texas woman is charged with mailing booby-trapped explosives to President Barack Obama, Texas Governor Greg Abbott and a federal office. One of the packages contained hair that a FBI crime lab matched to one of the woman’s cats. The woman pleaded not guilty. (Reuters) – A Houston-area woman has been charged with […]

Republicans wants to make filing taxes as easy as mailing a postcard — but there’s a flaw in the plan

Mark Wilson/Getty Images Post card tax returns are all the rage in the Republican party, but they may have a more complicated impact than they seem. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said during an event for The Hill on Wednesday that Trump’s huge tax plan’s goal is to allow Americans to “do their taxes on a […]

Mailing And Gnashing Of Teeth

Vice President Mike Pence is criticizing the Associated Press after the news organization published his wife’s private email address in a news story, even though the email was listed in recently released public documents. Pence, the former governor of Indiana, unsuccessfully fought against the release of the records from his private AOL email account. However, […]