Louise Minchin maddened as Ben Wallace refuses to give face mask guidance as supply so low

“There is PPE and there’s use of time, so the two metre rule is partly driven by length of time of proximity to another person. You know, the further away you are from someone, the longer you can be with them, the closer you are, the higher the likelihood of you catching something is. “So, […]

YOU Recap: Benji, Maddened

Sunday’s installment of YOU marked several firsts in Joe and Beck’s totally normal, healthy relationship: their first date, their first kiss and — in the episode’s chilling final scene — the first time he killed for her. The victim, unsurprisingly, was Benji, who was already pretty banged up following last week’s mallet-to-the-head incident. And to […]

YOU Recap: Benji, Maddened

Sunday’s installment of YOU marked several firsts in Joe and Beck’s totally normal, healthy relationship: their first date, their first kiss and — in the episode’s chilling final scene — the first time he killed for her. The victim, unsurprisingly, was Benji, who was already pretty banged up following last week’s mallet-to-the-head incident. And to […]