Legion Series Finale Recap: Who Won the Epic Battle for David’s Mind?

RELATED STORIES If you’ll excuse the X-Men pun, it was the last stand for David and his friends versus the Shadow King and the Time Eaters in Legion‘s series finale. So did David lose his mind… or finally get it back? After a quick stroll down memory lane through David’s troubled childhood and adolescence, we […]

Quotes of the Week: iZombie, Legion, Big Brother, Dem Debate and More

As we prepare to bid June adieu, let’s revisit this month’s final week of quotable TV, shall we? This time around, our compilation of zingers, bon mots and one-liners known as Quotes of the Week includes (but is not limited to): a climate change solution from Big Little Lies‘ Renata, a throwback to ’90s pop […]

Legion season 3: David to die in finale? Dan Stevens drops terrifying end game hint

Legion is coming to an end next week with the release of season three. When viewers last saw David Haller (played by Dan Stevens) he was escaping, and his new role as the villain was just beginning. Now, in season three, it looks like David is going to feature as the main antagonist for the […]

Legion Season 3 Premiere Recap: Strange Days of Future Past

RELATED STORIES FX’s Legion got trippier than ever in its third and final season premiere, with David leading a far-out cult of hippies — but why is he so eager to go back in time? Monday’s premiere kicks off, rather boldly, by following a new character for nearly half the episode: a young Asian girl […]

Legion Boss on Why He's Ending the Show — and Introducing Professor X

Legion‘s story is drawing to a close this year… but not before a much-anticipated family reunion. The upcoming third season of FX’s mind-bending mutant drama will be its last, the network confirmed this week, and creator Noah Hawley says that was his plan all along. “I think endings are what give stories meaning,” he told […]

Fortnite Ice Legion and Ice Storm challenges revealed for Season 7

A big event just happened that changed the Fortnite map in a big way. Epic Games just announced that new enemies have been spread over the map, with new battles coming in the future. “A new kingdom rises. Prepare for battle – dive in now to take on the Ice Legion and survive the storm,” […]

‘Legion’ Will Be Back to Awe and Confuse Us in 2019 [Comic-Con 2018]

The Legion panel, the last Hall H panel at San Diego Comic-Con this year, had several panelists including producer and writer Nathaniel Halpern, executive producer and director John Cameron, Marvel Television’s Jeph Loeb, and cast members Dan Stevens, Rachel Keller, Aubrey Plaza, Bill Irwin, Amber Midthunder, Jeremie Harris, Jean Smart, and Farouk himself, Navid Negahban. […]

Legion Finale Recap: Trial and Terror

If you thought Legion might tone down the weird for Tuesday’s Season 2 finale, it opens with David singing (singing!) The Who’s “Behind Blue Eyes” while levitating across a field. So there’s your answer! David immediately faces off with Amahl Farouk in a climactic, if purely mental, battle: Huge animated avatars — David’s is green, […]

Legion season 2 filming: Where is Legion season 2 filmed? Where is it set?

WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Legion season 2 Where is Legion season 2 set? The second season of Marvel‘s Legion mainly takes place in the mutant facility, Summerland. However, the Noah Hawley directed series about mutants is super abstract with mind-bending visuals that take place everywhere from alternate universes and timelines to inside the […]

Dan Stevens Reunites with ‘Legion’ Creator for ‘Pale Blue Dot’

Ever since he managed to do the impossible and adapt the Coen Brother’s Oscar-winning movie Fargo into a terrific TV series for FX, I’ve been patiently waiting to see what Noah Hawley would do in the world of movies. After a brief flirtation with Universal’s Dark Universe (RIP, we barely knew ye) and creating the brain-melting […]