Nancy Drew: Kennedy McMann to Play Title Role in The CW's Pilot

A-ha! The CW has broken out its magnifying glass and found an actress to star in its Nancy Drew series. Newcomer Kennedy McMann will play the iconic title role, according to our sister site Deadline. “Set in the summer after her high school graduation, 18-year-old Nancy Drew thought she’d be leaving her hometown for college,” […]

Jacobs announces Kennedy, Wozniak will substitute in Fry's absence

Team Brad Jacobs will turn to a couple of curling veterans to fill the vacancy created by Ryan Fry's decision to take an indefinite leave after his disqualification from the Red Deer Curling Classic. Two-time Olympian Marc Kennedy will play as a substitute at the Dec. 5-9 Canada Cup in Estevan, Sask., while Matt Wozniak […]

Canada first? Marc Kennedy thinks we're exporting too much curling knowledge

THUNDER BAY, ONT. — Marc Kennedy is back in the place he refers to as "home" — a curling rink. And yet he's never felt as far away from the pebbled sheets as he does right now, sitting on some scaffolding inside the Tournament Centre holding an iPad.  This week in Thunder Bay, Kennedy is […]

Star Wars: BAD news as Kathleen Kennedy DROPS this major movie

Things keep changing in the Star Wars universe faster than a certain smuggler popping through the Kessel Run. Ever since a staggeringly mixed reception for the Last Jedi was followed by the disastrously poor box office performance of Solo: A Star Wars Story, many of the previous plans seem to have gone out of the […]

Star Wars Last Jedi backlash: George Lucas replacing Kathleen Kennedy to FIX Episode 9?

Can George Lucas and JJ Abrams “fix” Star Wars? The Last Jedi took a huge $ 1.3billion at the global box office and yet it was far short of The Force Awakens’ $ 2billion and also divided fans like never before. A vocal section was so unhappy with Rian Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy’s vision they […]

Star Wars Last Jedi fan backlash and Solo FLOP: Kathleen Kennedy 'leaving in September'?

Is the Lucasfilm boss about to go Solo? It’s been a difficult last six months for the woman who was once riding high on a record-breaking relaunch of the Star Wars franchise with The Force Awakens, followed by the impressive debut of the Anthology spin-offs with the edgy Rogue One. But Kennedy was also responsible for […]

Star Wars backlash: Kathleen Kennedy replaced by Kevin Feige as Marvel contract ends?

It started out as some disgruntled fans and turned into a worldwide social media movement with thousands of posts and numerous videos. From being dismissed and denigrated by much of the media and Star Wars industry, the fan backlash against the Last Jedi turned into a campaign against Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy. The “boycott Star […]

‘IT’S TIME FOR DEMOCRATS TO PLAY HARDBALL’: TV host Chris Matthews urges Democrats to resist Mitch McConnell after Justice Kennedy announces retirement

MSNBC MSNBC host Chris Matthews sounded the alarm for Democrats after Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced he would retire on Wednesday. Matthews referenced Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s move in 2016 to stall President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Merrick Garland. “Democrats owe it to their party, their principles, and to their own […]

Swing-vote Justice Kennedy retires from US Supreme Court

Published time: 27 Jun, 2018 18:19 Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring from the US Supreme Court. His departure means the country’s highest court is likely to become more conservative, as President Donald Trump will get to appoint Kennedy’s replacement. Kennedy, 81, has served on the court since 1988. Though nominated by the Republican President Ronald […]