Gadget Lab Podcast: Former Googler Jessica Powell On How to Quit Your Tech Job

Former Google communications exec Jessica Powell joins this week’s Gadget Lab podcast to talk about Facebook’s manifestos, quitting Google, and why she absolutely refuses to get a brand-new phone.

‘I sit back and wait for them to fire me’: A former Googler explains the secret to success over 15 years at the company

Courtesy of Chade-Meng Tan Chade-Meng Tan was a Google engineer in 2007 when he started teaching his coworkers about mindfulness and emotional intelligence. The course would eventually earn the name “Search Inside Yourself,” attract thousands of Tan’s coworkers, and spread across the globe. But back then, it was just a project that Tan pursued in […]

A 26-year-old CEO and former Googler breaks down the worst job hunting advice 20-somethings get

Liz Wessel If you’re a recent grad or a college senior, you may have been told to focus your job search. Cut down on the number of applications you send out and just hone in on three or four companies. Well, according to WayUp CEO Liz Wessel, that’s usually terrible advice. “I’ve definitely heard that […]