‘This is nonsense’ Furious row on Jeremy Vine ERUPTS over giving 16-year-olds vote

Jeremy Vine panellists could not be farther apart on the issue of 16-year-olds being allowed to vote in general elections in the UK. Daily Express columnist Carole Malone, vehemently opposed to the proposal, clashed with Collabro star Jamie Lambert as he claimed 16-years should be taught politics in school and then allowed to vote in […]

SANTA DENIER arrested after giving children the ultimate Christmas spoiler

A 31-year-old Texan has been arrested after telling children at a church breakfast that Santa Claus doesn’t exist, refusing to leave even as police arrived. In the latest attack on Christmas, a breakfast with Santa event at a church in Cleburne, Texas was disrupted by 3 protesters angry that parents were teaching their children about […]

A Swedish sex toy brand is giving its employees 4 ‘self love’ days off each year because it thinks they’ll be more productive if they have more orgasms

Shutterstock Swedish sex toy brand LELO is giving its employees four extra days off every year to let them have more orgasms. The idea is that staff who are more sexually fulfilled will be more productive. Studies show that orgasms make people happier, which could make them better workers. From encouraging lunchbreak strolls to installing […]

Trump blames Obama 'regime' for giving Crimea to Russia

President Trump has blamed his predecessor for Ukraine’s loss of Crimea to Russia, apparently unaware that the transfer was the result of a referendum and that Ukraine is a sovereign nation. When a reporter suggested instead that “it was President Putin who annexed Crimea,” Trump insisted, “That was President Obama’s regime. That was during President […]

Kate Middleton: Where is Duchess of Cambridge? Pippa Middleton rumoured to be giving birth

Kate Middleton, 36, is set to be surrounded by babies as not only did she give birth to Prince Louis in April, but her sister Pippa Middleton, 35, is due any day. On top of this, Meghan Markle, 37, and Prince Harry, 34, announced yesterday they were expecting their first child. Pippa was seen arriving […]

Kate Middleton: Where is Duchess of Cambridge? Pippa Middleton rumoured to be giving birth

Kate Middleton, 36, is set to be surrounded by babies as not only did she give birth to Prince Louis in April, but her sister Pippa Middleton, 35, is due any day. On top of this, Meghan Markle, 37, and Prince Harry, 34, announced yesterday they were expecting their first child. Pippa was seen arriving […]