Patrick J. Adams Suiting Up as Astronaut John Glenn for National Geographic Series The Right Stuff

RELATED STORIES Patrick J. Adams‘ next TV workplace will have a slightly different dress code. The former Suits star — who recently left the USA Network drama after seven seasons — will play Maj. John Glenn in National Geographic’s The Right Stuff, based on Tom Wolfe’s 1979 non-fiction book of the same name. Glenn was […]

National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year pictures show people across the world

National Geographic’s annual photography competition reveals a number of stunning images from around the globe. The Travel Photographer of the Year has three categories; Nature, People and Cities. Nature was previously revealed with some beautiful shots that showed the strength of the natural world when it comes to land and sea. The most recent images […]

National Geographic Travel reveals world’s best birdwatching destinations

National Geographic Travel have revealed their top destinations for bird lovers across the globe. Topping the list of best birdwatching destinations is South Georgia Island in the Atlantic Ocean, home to a colony of half a million King Penguins, standing at three feet tall. The archipelago has been recognised by Birdlife International as Important Birds […]

National Geographic: Travel photography winners' snapshots from world's most remote places

Every year the National Geographic Traveller photography competition winners amaze readers with their outstanding quality of images, and this year is no exception. The competition receives submissions covering the globe, documenting everywhere from the Antarctic to the deep depths of Africa. To enter the competition, UK photographers had to submit their images into one of […]

‘Cosmos’ Season 2 Ordered at Fox & National Geographic; Netflix Cancels ‘Lady Dynamite’

With the Television Critics Association winter tour continuing over the weekend, news has been plentiful on new and returning TV shows on all the various broadcast/cable networks and streaming services. Today, we have word on the fate of two shows, one that will continue after lying dormant for a few years, and another that has come […]

I’ve taken AncestryDNA, 23andMe, and National Geographic genetics tests — here’s how to choose one to try

Hollis Johnson I tried DNA tests from 23andMe, Ancestry, and National Geographic to learn about my family’s history and my health The tests vary in terms of what information they provide and how precise they are Determine which test to try depends on what you hope to learn   I’ve sent my spit off for more genetics tests than anyone else I […]

The best photos of Europe that National Geographic has taken in its 125-year history

Otis Imboden/National Geographic: Around the World in 125 Years. Europe National Geographic revolutionized photography and the photo essay.  The magazine’s photographers, who are sometimes armed with up to nine different cameras and 500 rolls of film for a single assignment, have captured the world with tack-sharp images. More than 200 photos from the past 125 […]

Bill O'Reilly's Killing Patton Movie Scrapped by National Geographic

Bill O’Reilly‘s latest Killing movie is officially dead at National Geographic. The cable channel has scrapped plans for a TV adaptation of the former Fox News host’s 2014 bestseller Killing Patton, according to our sister site Deadline. The book, co-written by Martin Dugard, theorized that World War II general George Patton may have been poisoned by […]

National Geographic series Year Million explores the future of humanity

Trailer for tonight’s episode of Year Million. (video link) If you’re interested in where science and technology might take humanity over the next million years, you might want to check out a new series from National Geographic called Year Million. Part science fiction, part speculative commentary, the show explores what could happen to humanity if […]