Anti-Brexit politicians from all the main parties are in secret talks about forming a new ‘centrist’ movement

Getty Private discussions are underway about a new centrist force in British politics. Sources tell Business Insider that moderate Labour and Conservative MPs who oppose Brexit are involved in confidential discussions. However, insiders say talks are at an early stage, vague and not yet likely to lead to a new party. Sir Vince Cable, leader […]

Why Forming a New Good Habit Is Easier Than Breaking a Bad One

We’ve all got a few bad habits. No one’s perfect. Whether it’s eating too much candy, leaving everything until the last minute, watching too much TV, skipping workouts, or letting e-mails pile up at work, we all do things that go against our best interests. So why don’t we just drop our bad habits? Every […]

Women victims of sexual harassment in media are forming an organization to fight back

Evan Agostini/AP Women victims of sexual harassment or mistreatment by powerful men in media have begun to band together to form a support network called Press Forward. A rash of powerful men in media have recently been outed for or accused of sexual misconduct with female colleagues. Women who say they were sexually harassed or […]

Trump throws cold water on forming ‘impenetrable Cyber Security unit’ with Russia hours after tweeting about the possibility

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas President Donald Trump suggested on Sunday that he will not pursue a joint cybersecurity task force with Russia, throwing cold water on speculation that sprung from comments he made on Twitter earlier in the day. “The fact that President Putin and I discussed a Cyber Security unit doesn’t mean I think it can happen. It can’t-but […]

Army veterans forming human shield to protect NoDAPL protesters at Standing Rock

US veterans are returning to Standing Rock to support and protect Native American protesters as the Dakota Access Pipeline continues to meet resistance despite President Trump’s executive order to continue construction of the $ 3.7 billion pipeline. The veterans are gathering in Cannon Ball, North Dakota, with many on their way. “We are prepared to […]