70+ injured as violent clashes erupt in Barcelona after ex-leader Puigdemont’s arrest (VIDEOS)

Over 70 people have been injured after riot police in Barcelona clashed with a crowd of angry protesters who denounced the arrest of Catalonia’s former separatist leader Carles Puigdemont in Germany earlier on Sunday. Armed with batons, riot police officers faced-off with an angry crowd as they attempted to prevent the protesters from marching on […]

Spain’s ruling party warns Catalan head to ‘end up like’ jailed & executed ex-leader

Published time: 10 Oct, 2017 08:21 Just ahead of a highly anticipated speech in which the Catalan leader is expected to declare the region’s independence from Spain, the Spanish ruling party has resorted to making threatening allusions to a previous independence bid. “History should not be repeated. Let’s hope that nothing is declared tomorrow because […]

Chimpanzee Clan ‘Goes Ape’: Chimps Attack, Brutally Murder And Feast On Ex-Leader In Angry Fit — And No One Knows Why

A fatal chimpanzee attack has scientists confused. According to a stunning report, a clan of chimps attacked and brutally murdered its former leader before beating and eating its mangled body. The ousting is not uncommon for great apes, but chimpanzee cannibalism is rare, to be sure. The New Scientist‘s Chelsea Whyte said the scene at […]