Chimpanzee beds are cleaner than ours, study finds

Chimpanzees appear to keep tidier sleeping arrangements than humans do. That’s one finding of a recent study that evaluated the microbes and arthropods found in the treetop beds that chimpanzees make each night. Who knew that our closest animal relatives, the great apes — specifically chimpanzees — keep tidier bedrooms than we humans do? A group of researchers in […]

Chimpanzee Clan ‘Goes Ape’: Chimps Attack, Brutally Murder And Feast On Ex-Leader In Angry Fit — And No One Knows Why

A fatal chimpanzee attack has scientists confused. According to a stunning report, a clan of chimps attacked and brutally murdered its former leader before beating and eating its mangled body. The ousting is not uncommon for great apes, but chimpanzee cannibalism is rare, to be sure. The New Scientist‘s Chelsea Whyte said the scene at […]