‘Crazy Rich Asians’ is an extravagant, hilarious, and poignant examination of Asian American and Asian cultures that revolutionizes the studio rom-com

Color Force/IMDB “Crazy Rich Asians” is an extravagant, hilarious, and poignant examination of Asian American and Asian cultures.  It is a new kind of rom-com for many reasons. The cast is wonderful, and shows that Constance Wu and Henry Golding can carry a movie with their charm and outstanding talent in both comedy and drama. […]

Netanyahu suspends migrant deal with UN for ‘renewed examination’

Just hours after reaching a deal that would see thousands of African migrants remain in Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu has temporarily suspended the agreement with the UN Refugee Agency, pending talks with those affected. On Monday, Israel and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) struck a deal that would allow some 16,250 illegal African migrants to gain […]

‘Generation Wealth’ Review: A Fascinating and Horrifying Examination of Cultural Excess [Sundance]

“Societies accrue their greatest wealth at the moment they face death,” says one of the talking heads in the opening seconds of Generation Wealth, setting the tone for a documentary that takes a deep dive into the excesses of societies across the globe and surfaces with some disturbing results. You may recognize Lauren Greenfield as […]

Prostate cancer symptoms: What YOU can expect from a rectal examination

Survival rates are highest when the disease is diagnosed in the early stages – and survival rates improve when when men are screened and tested early. It is not uncommon for men to avoid check ups – or to avoid discussions about their health. There no national screening programme for prostate cancer. There is also […]