Trump’s sanctions are crushing Iran’s job market and potentially destabilizing the regime

Susan Walsh/AP Reuters interviews with dozens of business owners across Iran show hundreds of companies have suspended production and thousands of workers are being laid off because of a hostile business climate mainly caused by new U.S. sanctions. The Iranian rial has fallen to record lows and economic activity has slowed dramatically since U.S. President […]

Debate over migrant ‘caravan’ ignores the real problem: Decades of destabilizing US foreign policy

With the US-bound caravan of Central American migrants being used as a political football ahead of the midterm elections, there’s one factor receiving scant attention: The role the US itself has played in destabilizing the region. US President Donald Trump has condemned the migrants, many of which began their journey in Honduras, calling some of […]

US sanctions against Venezuela destabilizing & ‘imbued with cynicism’ – Russian foreign ministry

The latest sanctions imposed by the US on Venezuela are deliberately aimed at further destabilizing a country at a time when it’s showing the first signs of emerging from a crisis, Russia’s foreign ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova has said. The new measures, aimed at exerting more financial pressure on Caracas, were announced at a time […]

US criticizes ‘destabilizing’ Russian build-up near Baltic states, could deploy Patriot missiles to the region

Thomson Reuters VILNIUS (Reuters) – U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday criticized what he called a destabilizing Russian military build-up near Baltic states and officials suggested the United States could deploy Patriot missiles in the region for U.S. exercises in the summer. U.S. allies are jittery ahead of war games by Russia and Belarus […]