Jeff Sessions could appoint a second special counsel to investigate Clinton and Comey

REUTERS/Joshua Roberts Attorney General Jeff Sessions is said to be considering appointing a second special counsel to investigate issues related to former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey, and the Obama administration. Sessions’ contemplation comes after the House Judiciary Chairman urged him to look into Comey’s handling of the FBI’s investigation […]

US Special Counsel has ‘enough evidence’ to charge ex-National Security Adviser Flynn – reports

Published time: 6 Nov, 2017 12:12 Edited time: 6 Nov, 2017 12:12 The federal investigation led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into alleged links between Moscow and the Trump presidential campaign has gathered enough evidence to charge former National Security Adviser Michael T. Flynn and his son, NBC reports. Mueller is now putting more pressure […]

The IRS and special counsel Mueller just took a big step forward in the Russia probe

Thomson Reuters Special counsel Robert Mueller enlisted the IRS’s criminal investigations unit (IRS-CI) earlier this month as part of his probe into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia — but the unit only just began to share information about key players like Paul Manafort and Michael Flynn, according to CNN. The FBI teamed up […]

‘Trump will buy himself an independent counsel statute’: Even if Trump replaces Sessions, Mueller will likely be safe

Alex Wong/Getty Images In yet another shakeup, President Donald Trump announced retired Gen. John Kelly — the former head of the Department of Homeland Security — will be his new chief of staff. Some have speculated that Trump may tap Attorney General Jeff Sessions to lead the DHS. That would clear the path for Trump to […]

League of Legends esports teams turn to Tim ‘Magic’ Sevenhuysen for ‘Moneyball’ counsel

The Moneyball of esports is quite a reality yet. But the Brad Pitt movie and Michael Lewis book has been a good way to describe what Tim Sevenhuysen does as a statistics consultant for League of Legends esports teams. Sevenhuysen believes that analytics matters when it comes to analyzing and advising professional esports players. And […]

Trump’s lawyers vs. Trump: The president’s personal counsel is said to be having trouble keeping him in check

Win McNamee/Getty Images President Donald Trump’s legal team has been having difficulties not just with the caseload stemming from the ongoing Russia probe, but also with controlling their client, according to a Washington Post report Thursday. After a meeting in which they advised Trump to avoid a particular subject, the newspaper reported, he tweeted about […]

Top Democrat on House intel committee says Trump firing the special counsel would have ‘echoes of Watergate’

Reuters WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the special counsel’s probe into Russian interference in the U.S. election and possible collusion with the Trump campaign (all times local): 7:40 a.m. The top Democrat on the House Intelligence committee says Congress would not sit still if President Donald Trump decided to fire the special counsel leading […]

The special counsel investigating Trump and Russia will include the Manafort case and possibly a look at Jeff Sessions

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images WASHINGTON (AP) — The special counsel investigating possible ties between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia’s government has taken over a separate criminal probe involving former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and may expand his inquiry to investigate the roles of the attorney general and deputy attorney general in the firing of […]

Special counsel expands probe to include ex-Trump aide Michael Flynn’s dealings with Turkey

Thomson Reuters WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating possible ties between the Trump election campaign and Russia, is expanding his probe to include a grand jury investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, three sources told Reuters. The move means Mueller’s politically charged inquiry will now look into Flynn’s paid work […]

Here are the differences between a special counsel, a special prosecutor, and an independent counsel

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas The Justice Department appointed former FBI director Robert Mueller as special counsel to look into the ties between Russia and Trump campaign officials on Wednesday. As calls from lawmakers and the public for an independent investigation have surged in recent months, the terms special counsel, special prosecutor, and independent counsel have been thrown interchangeably.  And while all […]