A bus contractor hired by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to transport migrants to New York signed an agreement not talk to NY officials, complicating volunteer efforts to help: report

One of the migrants. Vanessa Leroy for Insider Texas has bused thousands of migrants to east coast cities over the past few months.  A contractor busing the migrants has been banned from speaking with New York City officials, the AP reported.  The lack of communication complicates non-profit groups efforts to meet and help those arriving.  […]

Pentagon contractor leaves social media spy archive wide open on Amazon

(credit: Wikipedia) A Pentagon contractor left a vast archive of social-media posts on a publicly accessible Amazon account in what appears to be a military-sponsored intelligence-gathering operation that targeted people in the US and other parts of the world. The three cloud-based storage buckets contained at least 1.8 billion scraped online posts spanning eight years, […]

The CIA’s cozy malware relationship with defense contractor revealed

Evidence of the CIA’s relationship with defense contractor Raytheon’s Blackbird Technologies for analyzing malware has been revealed in the latest WikiLeaks release. The new documents, released as part of WikiLeaks’ CIA hacking Vault7 series, show that Raytheon worked as a CIA contractor reporting to the spy agency’s Remote Development Branch’s UMBRAGE group. Raytheon reported to […]

GrubHub trial may finally answer contractor vs. employee quandary

Enlarge (credit: Bloomberg / Getty Images News) SAN FRANCISCO—A federal judge has allowed a labor lawsuit filed against GrubHub to go forward, paving the way for a bench trial this fall. On Thursday, US Magistrate Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley largely denied the startup’s attempt to have the case decided on summary judgement. The case, which […]

DOJ charges govt contractor with leaking top secret material to The Intercept

A federal contractor for a US intelligence agency has allegedly admitted to copying classified materials and sending it to a news source. The charges reportedly stem from the publishing of top secret NSA documents by The Intercept. The FBI arrested Reality Leigh Winner, 25, at her Georgia home on Saturday, according to a Monday news […]

Defense contractor stored intelligence data in Amazon cloud unprotected [Updated]

Enlarge / NGA headquarters. A trove of top secret data processed by NGA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton was left exposed on a public Amazon cloud instance. (credit: Trevor Paglen) On May 24, Chris Vickery, a cyber risk analyst with the security firm UpGuard, discovered a publicly accessible data cache on Amazon Web Services’ S3 storage […]

Former NSA contractor may have stolen 75% of TAO’s elite hacking tools

On Monday, The Washington Post reported one of the most stunning breaches of security ever. A former NSA contractor, the paper said, stole more than 50 terabytes of highly sensitive data. According to one source, that includes more than 75 percent of the hacking tools belonging to the Tailored Access Operations. TAO is an elite […]